Thailand Digital Marketing 2022
23 Aug , 2022

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With the skyrocketing development of technology and after-shock of COVID-19, Thailand appears to be making an immense shift toward digital marketing. In 2022, Thailand’s digital advertising spend is projected to reach US$1.54 billion, recording over 8% annual growth in Thailand’s digital market. The burgeoning digital-oriented space in Thailand creates significant capacities for digital marketers to invest in and establish digital marketing strategies.

In this article, we'll bring you to explore Thailand’s digital marketing landscape, as well as the hottest digital marketing trends and opportunities that can help you succeed in this lucrative market.

  1. Thailand Digital Marketing Landscape in 2022

  2. Most Popular Digital Marketing Platforms in Thailand

  3. Winning Thailand Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022

  4. Tips to Create a Successful Thailand Digital Marketing Campaign

1. Thailand Digital Marketing Landscape in 2022

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Thailand’s digital marketing landscape

Thailand has a population of 70.01 million in 2022. 77.8% of Thais are internet users, along with 56.85 million active social media users, accounting for 81.2% of the population.

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Thailand’s digital growth

It is true that the COVID-19 epidemic has built myriads of boundaries and restrictions. Nonetheless, the pandemic has hastened the adoption of digital devices and Thai people are getting more familiar with online platforms, like Google Meets.

Across the year, there’s an observable increase in digital growth. Seizing the opportunities, Thailand digital marketing proceeds relentlessly to attract more traffic. Cellular mobile connections have a 4.1% increase, together with the rise in the number of internet users and active social media users, which gained 0.2% and 3.4% respectively.

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Thailand daily time spent using the internet

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Thailand daily time spent with media

Thai people spend an average of 9 hours and 6 minutes on the internet every day, with 4 hours and 2 minutes spent on watching video (broadcast and streaming) and nearly 3 hours spent on social media.

Given that Thais spend the most time consuming online videos, it’s worth mentioning that 60.8% of Thai people use the internet primarily to watch videos, TV shows, and movies. Hence, video content can surely be a highly effective digital marketing strategy in Thailand.

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Main reasons for using the Internet in Thailand

2. Most Popular Digital Marketing Platforms in Thailand

So we’ve already taken a glance at Thailand digital marketing landscape. Now, let’s dive into some prominent digital marketing platforms and channels there.

2.1 Most Visited Websites in Thailand

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Thailand most-visited websites 

Google, a prominent search engine worldwide, ranked first among Thailand’s most visited websites, with a massive 98.6% of search market share in Thailand. Google comes out on top when it comes to offering users a personalized search experience. According to the 2022 data, the total visit of Google reaches 10.6 billion, greatly outnumbering Facebook’s 5.67 billion visits. This implies that Thai Internet users rely heavily on Google when they search for information, learn about topics of interest, and make important decisions. This opens up a significant means for marketers to reach Thai people, via SEO and SEM strategies.

With the aforementioned, undoubtedly for brands, Google advertising appears to be a must-have Thailand digital marketing strategy, no matter to raise brand awareness or drive conversions. As a Google Premier Partner for over 16 years, AsiaPac comprehends all types of Google ad formats, such as Display Ads and Shopping ads. We will be the most reliable Google marketing agency you can rely on.

2.2 Most-Used Social Media Platforms in Thailand

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Thailand most-used social media platforms

To guarantee your Thailand digital marketing success, it is of utmost importance to stay on-trend and engage on the local social media platforms. Based on data, Facebook is the most-used social media platform in Thailand, with a 93.3% usage rate. LINE and Facebook Messenger are also some commonly used platforms, accounting for 92.8% and 84.7% respectively. Besides, digital marketers should pay attention to life-sharing platforms, such as Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter, which have attracted over half of Thailand’s internet users.

Particularly, not only is LINE a freeware app for instant communications, but it is also a platform providing an array of services, like LINE Pay (digital wallet), LINE Today (news stream), LINE Wow (delivery service),etc. With 50 million users in Thailand, brands can utilize the 6+ LINE ad formats across platforms to reach out to more customers and grow your businesses! Being a LINE Partner, AsiaPac has rich experience in LINE advertising and can provide top-notch digital support for businesses looking to leverage this platform.

2.3 Most-Used Mobile Apps in Thailand

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Thailand app annie app ranking

Thailand’s mobile apps with most active users are Facebook, Line, Facebook Messenger, Lazada, and Shopee. Interestingly. two ecommerce platforms, including Lazada and Shopee, are among the top 5 most popular mobile apps with a sizeable amount of active users.

Knowing that Thai mobile users are keen on online shopping, brands should never hesitate to establish a presence on ecommerce platforms like Lazada and Shopee. This could help to draw attention to your brand and present it to the wide Thai mobile users. Equipped with 15+ years of experience in ecommerce digital marketing, AsiaPac managed to bring you to leapfrog the fierce global online competition.

3. Winning Thailand Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022

3.1 Ecommerce in Thailand

Many businesses looking to tap into Thailand should turn to ecommerce platforms as their first point of entry. Well, it’s well said. Thai consumers have become accustomed to shopping online given their hectic lifestyles and busy schedules. In addition to the significant uptick in consumer ecommerce activity fueled by the widespread epidemic and improved logistics, ecommerce has become crucial for brands to reach Thailand consumers, not to mention 68.3% of Thai internet users have made a weekly online purchase. Ecommerce is proved to be a must-have Thailand digital marketing strategy in 2022.

To start with, marketers can launch a presence and start selling on the most popular ecommerce platforms in Thailand, such as Shopee, Lazada, and While listing your offerings on the platforms, marketers should make an effort to optimize product content. Take time to develop catchy product titles, descriptions, categories, or product images, as all contribute to increasing product discovery and fostering purchase. Besides, brands can create a user-friendly ecommerce website with a localized language (Thai) that let Thai Internet users search and access your content at ease on search engines. Three-quarters of people prefer to purchase products in their native language. That’s why it’s important to create a localized ecommerce website, your brand will be able to increase brand visibility and awareness, as well as conversions and online sales.

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Ecommerce in Thailand is increasing in revenue, with $22.2 billion in 2022 and is expected to surge to 33.58 billion in 2025.

3.2 Video Marketing in Thailand

Video marketing keeps its momentum as a winning digital marketing strategy in Thailand, given the strong demand for videos and the amount of time Thai people spent on them. Meanwhile, video streaming platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Vimeo are the top 3 online video platforms in Thailand. YouTube has a 92.05% usage distribution, while TikTok and Vimeo account for 79.6% and 6.59% respectively. By picking the right video marketing platform that fits your goals, your branded video content can get into the hands of your targeted Thai audience.

Videos are short, easily-digestible, and often, entertaining. This serves as a potent medium for brands to spread their brand messages, distribute their product information, and educate the audience. Effective video marketing portrays your brand personality through a video, the conversational feature it takes helps to connect your target audience on an emotional level, boost conversions, and increase brand awareness.

To make your branded video more attractive, brands are urged to cooperate with local KOLs and celebrities. KOLs speak directly to a consumer who trusts them. Your products or services will be able to reach out to a wide range of Thai consumers, especially their fans and loyal subscribers. If you’re targeting a specific demographic, finding a KOL who appeals to that audience is a hugely effective weapon in your arsenal.

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Mistine video marketing campaign - I’m Perfectly Me

To illustrate, Mistine Thailand, a leading cosmetic and beauty brand, embraced video marketing in their Thailand digital marketing strategy. Launched primarily on YouTube, the video campaign – I’m Perfectly Me – intends to communicate the idea that “I determine my own perfection of beauty, not the society”, to the public. To deliver brand value across consumer backgrounds, the video utilized diverse KOLs from various cultures and ethnicities. Through the connections KOLs built in the community, they also assisted in penetrating the target market. As a result, Mistine Thailand’s video received over 5 million views in just three months, most of which were with a positive attitude that favors brand image. The success of Mistine Thailand’s video campaign demonstrates the power of using KOLs in your Thailand video marketing strategy.

4. Tips to Create a Successful Thailand Digital Marketing Campaign

Still want to know more? Here are some concrete Thailand digital marketing strategies that drive the success of campaigns.

4.1 Online Purchase Drivers

Simply generating high traffic is not enough to create temptations for customers to purchase products on your website, not to mention enlarging your business. Then what should we do to achieve our goal? To commence with, let’s have a look at some of the approaches.

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Thailand online purchase drivers

Based on the resources, free delivery is undeniably the most attractive online purchase driver, with 57.7% of users. Coupons and discounts come in second, having 49.2% of users. The third and fourth place belongs to cash on delivery option and customer reviews, accounting for 37.6% and 31.8% respectively. As shown in the table, certain Ad extensions, for instance, callout extension, and promotion extension, are indispensable in Thailand’s digital marketing to drive sales.

With free delivery, customers do not necessarily need to visit your retail store. Instead, they can buy the items at the same price by spending some time on their tablets. Putting discounts and regular promotions on a seasonal basis or around specific festivals are also wise choices to expose your business to new faces. While setting delivery options, why not add ‘cash on delivery’ to provide customers with an additional alternative? By putting yourselves into the customers’ shoes, the importance of highlighting your business’s uniqueness and flexibility is manifest.

Thailand Digital Marketing 2022 Summary

To sum up, not only are Thai businesses aiming for local consumers nowadays, but they are also enthusiastically welcoming foreign consumers to expand their territories. Consequently, ecommerce marketing and video marketing will be the salient Thailand digital marketing strategies in 2022. Fascinated by the magical marketing effects but not knowing where to start? Feel free to arrange a free consultation with AsiaPac's experienced team of digital marketing specialists in Asia to develop the perfect digital marketing solution for you! The golden opportunity is waving at you!

About AsiaPac Net Media

With an extensive digital marketing experience of serving more than 2,500 clients across Asia in sectors such as education, travel and hospitality, finance, Government and others, AsiaPac’s expert team is highly recognized for the excellence in providing performance-driven services to businesses across Asia, and global corporates targeting Asia markets. If you’d like to learn more about AsiaPac and the work we’ve done, visit our Work page. For more information on AsiaPac/ AdTech and our services, please contact us at